Public Talk FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you wanted to know about attending an OBI Public Talk - but may have been afraid to ask.

1. Who are these public talks for?

From those impacted by brain disorders to their caregivers and advocates, and from members of the brain health community to the general public, OBI Public Talks are for the scientifically curious. At each talk, we aim to share different perspectives on a select topic in neuroscience.

2. Are these events held online or in person?

Unless otherwise indicated, OBI Public Talks are hybrid event – held in person and simultaneously livestreamed.

3. Where are the in-person events held?

OBI Public Talks are generally held in public venues in downtown Toronto.

4. I’ve registered for this public talk; when will I receive the live event link?

You will receive an EventBrite email with the link in the days immediately preceding the talk.

5. When will I receive the address for attending in person?

You will receive at least one email from Eventbrite in the days immediately preceding the talk. However, the event location will also be posted on the OBI website at

6. Is there captioning available online?

All our public talk events include live closed captioning.

7. I’m experiencing technological issues with joining and watching. What should I do?

Please email for all technical support during the livestream of the event.

8. I can’t make it live or I must leave early, will there be a replay of the talk made available?

A replay is always posted on our Public Talks page as well as OBI’s YouTube channel.

9. Are there resources available from the event?

Yes! Visit the Public Talks Resources page for a list of useful information from the most recent event.