New portfolio company poised to accelerate commercialization

A4i, an innovative digital platform for supporting people with complex behavioural and mental health conditions, has received funding from OBI to support commercialization efforts, with a focus on expanding their presence within Ontario. Growth priorities include expanding existing partnerships with hospitals and forging new strategic alliances to advance access to care for those with severe mental illness (SMI).

“According to the Brain Health in Ontario report, provincial health data tells us that approximately 130,000 Ontarians live with schizophrenia – a number that doesn’t even include other severe mental illnesses. Given that a new digital platform has been developed to target the recovery processes in psychosis and schizophrenia, as well as in newly in opioid use disorders, OBI is pleased to partner with the founders of A4i in support of their mission to bring an accessible and scalable solution to those impacted by mental health conditions,” said Dr. Tom Mikkelsen, OBI’s President and Scientific Director.

Founded in 2018, A4i a spin off company from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Canada’s leading mental health and addictions hospital system. Together with development partner MEMOTEXT, A4i is being used to target recovery processes in psychosis, schizophrenia and opioid use disorders. “We are thrilled about the progress and commercial acceleration made possible with the OBI partnership.” said Amos Adler, Co-Founder & CEO of A4i and CEO of MEMOTEXT. “Through this partnership we’ll be able to expand significant innovations in mental health.”

Serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and opioid addiction have significant impacts on individuals and families. Without accessible care, relapse and readmission can occur, pressuring an already stressed healthcare system. According to Chief Scientific Officer and A4i Co-Founder, Dr. Sean Kidd, “A4i is establishing its relevance as a transdiagnostic strategy to enhance the ability of health systems to engage and support people with the most severe mental health challenges.”

With this funding support, A4i will be able to accelerate its market presence, and enhance accessibility to care providers for individuals living with complex mental health conditions.

Read more about A4i on LinkedIn or via the full announcement.