ONDRI Family and Friends Day

Please join us for ONDRI Friends and Family Day!
We look forward to sharing our recent research findings and receiving your feedback as we move forward.
Who can attend:
- ONDRI participants and family
- People living with neurodegenerative diseases, even if you are not affiliated with ONDRI
- Learn more about ONDRI
- Network with ONDRI Scientists, Coordinators, Participants and their families
- Connect with patient advocacy groups
- Learn about new research opportunities for individuals with neurodegenerative diseases
Location: BMO Education and Conference Centre Toronto, ON
If this location is not convenient for you, please stay tuned for future Friends and Family Day events in neighbouring ONDRI cities
Registration and RSVP:
- Registration closes February 11, 2019
- Limited space, so please register early! Registration will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. To be fair to others, please be sure you are available to attend before you register.
Questions? Please contact info@ondri.ca or 416-480-6100 ext. 6661