7th Annual Concussion Research Symposium & 2nd Concussion in Women and Girls Conference

Thank you for your interest in the 7th Annual Concussion Research Symposium & 2nd Concussion in Women and Girls Conference taking place at Toronto Western Hospital BMO Education & Conference Centre on Saturday November 2, 2019. Registration will be open shortly.
The Canadian Concussion Centre (CCC) began in 2010 and was Canada’s first multi-dimensional concussion treatment and research centre. The CCC now encompasses four main concussion programs led by a team of seven clinicians and principal Investigators, and includes a multidisciplinary staff of clinicians, researchers, trainees and graduate students. An external advisory Board to the CCC has been in place since the beginning composed of community leaders, clinicians, philanthropists, and some former patients.
During this conference, participants will learn about the latest research on clinical, neuropsychological, neuroimaging and neuropathological manifestations of the concussion spectrum of disorders. This includes acute concussion, post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and neurodegeneration, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). In addition, we will have an update on research in concussion in women and girls.
A poster session will be held during breaks and lunchtime.