The Epilepsy Research Program of the Ontario Brain Institute (EpLink)

About Eplink
The Epilepsy Research Program of the Ontario Brain Institute (EpLink) was established in 2011 under the leadership of co-directors Dr. McIntyre Burnham and Dr. Jorge Burneo with a mission to reduce seizures and improve the quality of life for people with epilepsy through research. Mary Pat McAndrews and Sharon Whiting joined EpLink's leadership team in 2018 and steered its grand vision: a world without epilepsy. EpLink's research focused on developing more effective drug therapies, improving diet therapies and surgical procedures, uncovering new treatment options with gene therapy and brain stimulation, and creating new programs to improve cognition, mood, and quality of life for individuals living with uncontrolled seizures.
EpLink's Legacy: Achivements and Impact
Seizure Resources for Patients, Women, Families, & Teachers
What Type of Seizures Do I Have?
Learn about the different types of seizures those with epilepsy can have.
Seizure Management Resource
Living with uncontrolled seizures? Learn more seizure types and how to manage them.
Women with Epilepsy
Considerations for women living with epilepsy.
Teacher Resources for Epilepsy
Teacher toolkit to promote well-being in students with epilepsy.
Highlighted Publications
- PTG protein depletion rescues malin-deficient Lafora disease in mouse (2014)
- Decreased health care utilization and health care costs in the inpatient and emergency department setting following initiation of ketogenic diet in pediatric patients: the experience in Ontario, Canada (2017)
- Prevalence of pathogenic copy number variation in adults with pediatric-onset epilepsy and intellectual disability (2017)
- Brief activation of GABAergic interneurons initiates the transition to ictal events through post-inhibitory rebound excitation (2018)
- Do distance-delivery group interventions improve depression in people with epilepsy? (2019)
- Parcellation of the hippocampus using resting functional connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy (2019)
- Canadian epilepsy priority-setting partnership: Toward a new national research agenda (2022)
We wish to thank the following groups for their valuable contributions to epilepsy research.
EpLink Co-Directors:
- Mary Pat McAndrews, PhD, CPysch
- McIntyre Burnham, PhD
- Sharon Whiting, MBBS, FRCPC
EpLink Staff Members:
- Amaya Singh, PhD
- Hamed Moazami, MSc
- Sahil Patel, BSc
Community Epilepsy Agencies:
- Joanna Kapusta, CAC Chair (Epilepsy Toronto)
- Drew Woodley (Epilepsy Ontario)
- Jayme Arts (Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario)
- Jo-Anne Welton (Epilepsy North Bay)
- Michelle Franklin (Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario)
- Nikki Porter (Epilepsy Ottawa)
Community Members:
- Andrea Cameron
- Ann Perl
- Gena Meldazy
- Nancy Mingo, MD
- Natasha Causton
- Sangeeta Staley
- Shelly Philip LaForest
EpLink Management Committee:
- Ali Khan, PhD
- Amaya Singh, PhD
- Danielle Andrade, MD
- Elizabeth Donner, MD
- Hamed Moazami, MSc
- Jim Eubanks, PhD
- Joanna Kapusta
- Mary Lou Smith, PhD, CPsych
- Mary Pat McAndrews, PhD, CPsych
- McIntyre Burnham, PhD
- Peter Carlen, MD
- Rajesh RamachandranNair, MD
- Sharon Whiting, MBBS